Michael Huang

About Me

Hi there, I’m Kexuan (Michael) Huang. You can find my résumé 📝 here. Currently, I’m a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for Data-Oriented Programming (SI206) course @University of Michigan. I’m al...

Machine-Generated Text Detection for ChatGPT

Report and Code In this blog, we have provided a brief overview of this interesting project and a taste of the preliminary analysis. For more detailed experiments, please refer to our full report ...

🤖️ ChatGPT on WeChat: Turn your WeChat into ChatGPT! 🤖️

Acknowledgement & Features This project is implemented based on this amazing project that I contibuted before, with Wechaty SDK and OpenAI API, we achieve: fast and robust connect...

Song Recommendation System Based on Big Data Analysis

This project is a course project in ECE4721J Methods and Tools for Big Data @UM-SJTU Joint Institute. In general, we built a song recommendation system based on big data analysis with several tools...

IIFire: Intelligent firefighting system based on IoT & FAHP algorithm

This project is the capstone project for my bachelor’s degree @UM-SJTU Joint Institute, initiated by Prof. Mian Li. You can find the organization page on Github. Design Overview IIFire, o...

SmarTemp: Temperature Measure & Manage Assistant

Design Background In COVID-19 pandemic, to prevent any potential spread of disease, it’s common in China to measure and record people’s body temperatures before getting into communities, s...

Simple MIPS CPU Simulator Written in Verilog

Documentation This project is a course project in VE370 Computer Organization @UM-SJTU Joint Institute. In general, we implement a simple simulator of MIPS CPU with both single-cycle and pipeline...

Google Chrome T-rex Runner but an Embedded Version

Documentation This project is a course project in CS/ECE353 Microprocessor Systems @University of Wisconsin-Madison. In general, we implement an embedded version of Google Chrome’s T-rex Runner w...

Mumsh: A Mini Shell Written in C

Documentation This project is originated from a course project in VE482 Operating System @UM-SJTU Joint Institute. In this project, a mini shell called mumsh is implemented with programming langu...

LemonDB: A Multi-threading Database written in C++

Documentation This project is a course project in VE482 Operating System @UM-SJTU Joint Institute. In general, we implement an in-memory database LemonDB using C++ featured multi-threading. You ...